Home Organisation
Good new year intentions to become a better organiser, complete those to-do lists or to to empty out the garage/ playroom/ kitchen cupboards are usually hard to complete and end up marring the start to a perfectly good year with a feeling of failure.
The bookshops and social media are full at the moment with advise and recommendations to 'help' you with those clear up feelings that have been spurred on by the Christmas decorations pack-away. The day you took the tree to be shredded and put the mantle decs in their box you exposed the bare corners and thought you'd keep going with the clear out and live a little more clean and clear. Now two weeks down the line, the resolve is slipping.
De cluttering has also hit your Netflix schedule bringing Marie Kondo and her 'magic of tidying up' to the screen.
Kondo asks "Does this item spark joy?" when you decide to keep hold of an item or throw it out... and this, we feel is key to the introduction of items to the home. Purchase what brings you joy, is it functional or useful, and is it beautiful? Has it a story? An ethical background and footprint? Can this piece be easily found again?
If the right item is purchased, you will keep it longer, and want to see it, use it, show others.
Use beautiful baskets that store those toys, shelves that display your ordered beloveds, or choose kitchenalia that is made to be admired not chucked into a drawer. Buying the right piece, that serves the purpose, or is the correct size for the purpose it serves means you only buy once, or at least less often with less waste of resources both financially and environmentally.
Now good luck with your de-cluttering... What you throw from your past is up to you. Careful, considered purchasing is the future.